Swedbank - Extended Mobile BankID
- Client Swedbank
- About client Swedbank is one of the biggest banks in Sweden with 7 million private customers and 550 000 business customers. They are active in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
- My role UX designer
- Team with PO, UX designer, developer and QA
- Project time 3 months, March-May 2019
- Type App and web
- Tools Pen and paper, Sketch and Invision
In order for the user in Swedbank to add a payment and transfer recipient, they need to extend their Mobile BankID. Mobile BankID is a Swedish identification you can use online through an app, to verify that you are you to a bank or a government agency.
For the user to extend their Mobile BankID they need to have a code that they get when they become a customer. The issue is that the users forget where they have put their paper with the code and therefore need to apply for a new code, which takes a few days to get to their mail.
Make it easier and secure for the users to add payment and transfer recipient and to shorten the time to extend Mobile BankID.
I worked with another UX designer, Sofia, and the security team - product owner (PO), developers and quality assurance (QA).
Before me and Sofia joined the project, there had already been a decision about using a security token and a delay as an alternative to "paper with code" to make it safe for the users.
I started to sketch out different scenarios on paper. This new alternative has two parts.
- Part 1:
- Choose which Mobile BankID the user wants to extend
- Activate the extension by confirming with Mobile BankID
- Confirmation on the extension has been activated but not finished + the option to get a reminder via text message when the 5 hours delay is over
- Part 2:
- Delay for 5 hours
- Finish the activation with a security token
- Done! Gets a confirmation that the Mobile BankID is extended and what you can do when it's extended
Early sketches made on paper and how the user flow should be.
After that, I made wireframes in Sketch and prototype in InVision.
Link to the first mobile prototype (Swedish): Extended Mobile BankID - Prototype 1
We wanted to test the concept early to see if the users would understand the whole flow and if they had any obstacles. Me and Sofia did guerrilla testing, which means that you go to a place, in this case we went to a Swedbank bank office, and start to ask people to join a quick test. We tested the app flow because it's becoming more common for people to do all their services on their mobile. We filmed the tests if we needed to see them afterward and also to show the team.
A user in the guerrilla test pointing at the app prototype.
I made a presentation on the insights we collected from the guerrilla tests to show the whole team. These tests and insight helps us to understand our users and to make this service better.
The presentation we showed after the first guerrilla usability testing with our insight, quotes from the users and improvement list.
Some of the things that we were going to change for the next usability testing:
- Make the scenarios/flow more realistic, for example make the user start with trying to pay an invoice to a new company and then extend the Mobile BankID
- Shorten the text where users don't read and make the text more clear when users have doubts
- Shorten the delay from 5 hours to 3 hours
We did another usability test. This time we used a company to recruit ten users. I wrote what requirement the users had to have to be selected. These were the requirements:
- Swedbank customer
- Has Mobile BankID
- Age between 18-70
- 5 women / 5 men
- 5 users who mainly use the app / 5 users who mainly use the internet bank
- 5 users who has been customer less than a year / 5 users who has been customer more than a year
- 2 users that don't have Swedish as their first language
- 2 users who have got cognitive impairment
For me, it's important to have a diversity of people when doing usability tests. This service is for almost every customer at Swedbank so it needs to have a widespread on the users that will be testing to cover all types of problems with different types of people.
Usability testing on a user.
We got some new important insights that we could improve the design on. We shared this with the team (of course!) We also talked with our product owner (PO) that all the insights we collected, it would still be difficult for the user to understand that it's two steps with a delay in between.
After our meeting with our PO, we had a meeting together with the whole team. We decided that we will still have two steps (for now) but without a delay. This means that the user doesn't need a reminder and it goes faster to get an extended Mobile BankID.
- Part 1:
- Choose which Mobile BankID the user wants to extend
- Activate the extension by confirming with Mobile BankID
- Confirmation on the extension has been activated but not finished + the option to get a reminder via text message when the 5 hours delay is over
- Part 2:
- Delay for 5 hours
- Finish the activation with a security token
- Done! Gets a confirmation that the Mobile BankID is extended and what you can do when it's extended
My last days at Swedbank I finished most of the desktop wireframes in Sketch for the new flow.
Updated wireframes for the new flow made in Sketch.